Student Driver Rules

** I understand being permitted to park on Central School campus is a privilege, and failure to obey any rules may result in school discipline, fines, booting, towing, and/or loss of this privilege.**
Parking on Central School’s campus is a privilege, not a right.  If you fail to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the school, you may lose your privilege to park on campus.

  1. Speed limit is 5 MPH in the parking lot and other campus areas. Careless driving, speeding, excessive noise, or other traffic violations will not be tolerated.
  2. Students will NOT return to their vehicle during school hours without permission.
  3. Students will not loiter in the parking areas at ANY time.
  4. Students will park in designated areas ONLY.
  5. Parking on the grass on the right of way is not allowed. Student parking on the right of way may be issued a $32.00 SANTA ROSA COUNTY PARKING VIOLATION CITATION.
  6. Student parking decals will be sold for $25.00. A replacement decal is $10.00 and will only be issued by the administration or the SRO on a case-by-case basis.
  7. Decals must be visible and must be permanently placed on the left side of your outside rear window.  Failure to display the parking decal in an upright and clearly visible manner may result in a parking citation, repurchase of a new decal, and/or revocation of parking privilege.
  8. THERE IS NO BACKING INTO A PARKING SPACE. To monitor the parking lot effectively and quickly for safety issues, vehicles must pull forward into a parking spot.
  9. A parking permit is registered to one individual and one vehicle; it is NOT transferable without permission from administration or the School Resource Officer.
  10. Students who leave campus without permission may automatically lose their parking privilege.
  11. All vehicles on campus are subject to search.  Individuals are responsible for all items in/on vehicle (illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, etc.).
  12. Profane, obscene, abusive language, or gestures, will not be permitted on vehicles parked on campus (stickers, drawings, etc.).